The Best Daily Puppy Schedule
Tory JohnsonShare
Coming home with a new puppy can be a fun but stressful time. You'll have to learn when your puppy needs to eat, sleep, go potty, and so much more.
In this guide, we'll teach you how to set the perfect schedule for your puppy. As you read our schedule, try to understand the timing of things and adjust as needed.
For example, if your puppy likes to wake up an hour later, simply adjust your schedule ahead 1 hour.
This will be a challenging schedule, but you're raising a puppy after all. Stick to it, and you'll be successful. Let's dive in!
Daily routine for a puppy
6 am: Take your puppy out for a potty break.
6:15 - 7 am: Give your puppy a treat for going potty and make some time to play with them.
7 am: Breakfast time! Place your dog's food in a bowl and let them eat for no longer than 15 minutes. Save the rest for the next meal.
7:15 am: Take your puppy out for a potty break.
7:30 am - Noon: After the potty break, go ahead and give your dog another treat. After this, it's nap time. It's important to crate train your puppy as early as possible.
Additionally, it's important to crate train your puppy even while you're home. Your dog will learn how to be alone and comfortable in their crate.
If you're out of the house for an extended period, have a pet sitter come and let your puppy out for a potty break during their nap.
Noon - 1 pm: Take your puppy out of the crate and outside for a potty break. Give your puppy a treat right after they've finished.
Use the rest of the hour to play with your puppy or go for a short walk.
Remember - playtime is important! Your puppy is learning new information during these period while building a strong bond with you!
1 - 1:15 pm: Take your puppy out for a potty break.
1 - 5 pm: After the last potty break, it's nap time again. Put your puppy back in the crate with their favorite toys and blankets.
5 - 6 pm: You're finally off from work or school and can dedicate some real time to your puppy. Take them out to the potty right away and reward them with a treat. Finish off the hour with some playtime.
6 - 7 pm: Time for dinner. As you prepare your food, go ahead and get your puppy's food ready to serve. Eating together can create a special bond between you and your new puppy.
7 - 7:15 pm: Take your puppy out for a potty break.
7:15 - 8 pm: Last hour of playtime. Tug of war, fetch, and snuggles are always great options.
8 - 8:15 pm: The last potty break. Don't forget the treat!
8:15 pm - Tomorrow: Back to the crate for some much needed sleep. It's important to ignore your puppy's cry for attention while in the crate - unless it's for a potty break.
Bottom line
Building a bond with your new puppy can be a difficult but VERY rewarding task. As the weeks and months go by, it will become much easier to deal with their many needs.
In the first few months, it's really about potty breaks, treats, and sleep.
Lastly, as we discussed throughout this guide, crate training is very important for dogs of all ages and especially puppies. Take some time to learn how to crate train your puppy properly and set your new furry friend on a path of success.
Good luck!