Why Does My Dog Sleep Under My Bed?

dog hiding under bed

It seems like our dogs hide and sleep anywhere and everywhere. But some have a favorite spot. That favorite spot can be long term or temporary. And that favorite spot may be under your bed. So, why does my dog sleep under my bed? This common dog behavior can be attributed to a number of different reasons. Let's dive in.

4 Common reasons your dog is sleeping under the bed

Let's take a look at four common reasons your dog may be sleeping under the bed.

dog hiding under a bed

1. It's your dog's safe place

Your dog may become accustomed to sleeping or hiding under the bed. Under your bed is a secure and safe place for them to rest their heads.

There are only a few entry ways underneath your bed, making the space very secure. Their heads are covered, and their anxiety is relieved.

2. Less foot traffic and visitors

Additionally, your bed is located in a bedroom. There are less loud noises and foot traffic in your bedroom. Making it a more ideal place to hide and sleep than a family room or dining room.

This makes the bedroom an ideal space for your dog to catch some sleep.

3. Your dog doesn't have a bed of their own

Dogs sleep under the bed to feel secure and near their owner.

It's a great idea that you don't let your dog sleep in the bed with you. Dogs that sleep in the bed with their owners can disturb sleep, aggravate allergies, and lead to injuries

But your dog might need a bed of their own.

If your dog is sleeping under your bed, it's time to get them a dog bed.

Because of the faux fur, our calming dog beds help anxious dogs relax. Faux fur emulates a feeling of sleeping within the dog pack.

dachshund sleeping on a dog bed

4. It's common behavior

Sleeping under your bed for security reasons is a very common behavior in dogs. If your dog has always slept under the bed, there is little reason to worry.

On the other hand, if your dog is suddenly hiding under the bed, there may be cause for concern.

Why is my dog hiding under the bed all of a sudden

If your dog's hiding behavior has increased recently, there may be cause for concern. This is likely an abnormal behavior.

This behavioral problem can be attributed to a number of different reasons.

1. Stress and anxiety from a new environment

Maybe you've moved into a new home and your dog doesn't feel comfortable.

A new environment is a very common stressor in dogs. If this is the case, your dog may suddenly hide under the bed.

With time, your dog will become familiar with the new home and head back to their usual sleeping arrangement.

Lastly, I sometimes notice my dogs hiding during loud thunderstorms, fireworks, or when they're stressed and anxious.

2. Your dog might be sick

sick dog laying on a table at the vet

Sickness is a very common reason your dog is suddenly hiding under the bed. It's important to recognize signs of sickness in order to help your dog feel better.

Let's take a look at a few signs of sickness

  • Hiding under the bed
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Discomfort
  • Aggression

    If you notice your dog is showing signs of sickness, while also hiding under the bed, speak with a veterinarian as soon as possible.

    Your dog may be suffering from an illness and requires medical attention.

    If your dog is sick, check out our guide - 5 Ways To Comfort Your Sick Dog.

    Wrap Up: Why is my dog sleeping under the bed?

    Your dog's strange behavior can be attributed to a number of different reasons. But they're most likely sleeping under the bed simply because it's safe and secure.

    Issues arise when your dog's behavior suddenly changes and your dog starts hiding. If you notice a sudden change, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

    Otherwise, there is little reason to worry. Not all dogs have behavioral issues just because they like to sleep under the bed or couch.

    Additionally, many dogs are anxious and stressed and just need a great place to sleep.

    Lastly, if your dog's anxiety and fearful behavior continues, it might be time to see a behavioral dog trainer.

    Comment below and let us know where your dog sleeps. Do they sleep under your bed? Maybe under the couch? Or in a dog bed?

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    By Tory Johnson

    Tory Johnson is a veteran dog trainer, dog behaviorist, and canine nutritionist with 10+ years experience.

    Tory has helped countless families have beautiful relationships with their canine companions.

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