Whale Eye in Dogs: What Does It Mean?

Tory Johnson

Your dog's body language is a great indicator of their mood and anxiety levels. Whale eye, or half moon eye, can indicate your dog is extremely stressed or fearful.

In this article, we'll discuss common causes of your dog's whale eyes and how you can help.

Maltese dog showing whale eyes

What does whale eye mean in your dog's body language?

Dogs, just like humans, can experience a variety of emotions. But they don't have the ability to verbally communicate their feelings effectively. This is where dog body language comes in.

One of the many ways to read your dog's emotions is by observing their eyes. When a dog is experiencing extreme anxiety, stress, or fear, their eyes may appear as half moon or "whale eyes."Β 

This means that the whites of their eyes are visible in the corners, almost like they are trying to avoid direct eye contact.

It is important to pay attention to your dog's body language in order to determine their emotional state and respond accordingly. By understanding the signals your dog is sending, you can help them feel more comfortable and safe in their environment.

What do whale eyes look like?

As you see below, this dog's eyes appears to be bulging and you can see a significant amount of the whites of their eye.

whale eye dog

How can I help my dog?

Dogs can often show fear and anxiety through their body language, such as trembling, cowering, whale eyes, and hiding.

As dog owners, it is important to create a familiar environment to make them feel comfortable.

One way to achieve this is by offering treats and toys that your dog enjoys. These items can create a sense of familiarity and promote positive associations with their surroundings.

When a dog feels comfortable and safe, it allows them to be more relaxed and receptive to training methods and socialization.

So remember to pay attention to your dog's body language and make efforts to create a comforting environment for them.

dog high five

Bottom line

If your a dog owner, canine body language is so important. Your dogs eyes are key to understanding their needs and emotions.

Though it may seem like a small detail, paying attention to the position of their eyes can help you identify when they are feeling signs of stress or anxiety.

Therefore, make sure to spend some extra time playing with your dog and taking care of them so they always feel safe and secure.

If they have whale eyes, don't be afraid to take a step back and plan out how to best remedy the situation before it gets any worse.

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