Why Is My Female Dog Suddenly Clingy?

Tory Johnson

Dogs can be weird. But if you notice a change in their behavior it's important to take note. Anxiety, stress, and routine change can cause many issues with our dogs. In this article we'll discuss your clingy dog. So, you may have the question, why is my dog suddenly clingy?

clingy dog on woman's lap

Why is my dog being clingy?

Dogs who have anxiety of stress may begin to become clingy. They'll follow you around the house and worry when you leave. This can later lead to separation anxiety issues.

It's important to identify the reasoning and subsequent signs of a clingy dog.

Let's take a look at some of the reasons your dog is clingy.


sick dog at the vet laying next to a boy

The most common sign of a clingy dog is illness. If you notice signs your dog is sick, you should take immediate action and contact your vet.

Signs of illness can include lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, and clinginess.

Stress and anxious behavior

Dogs can go through periods or stress and anxiety very similar to us. The most common reason behind newly developed stress or anxiety is routine change.

If you've moved into a new home or changed your dog's diet, your dog can become stressed and therefore clingy.

Make your dog as comfortable as possible in a new environment. Provide them their usual treats, dog bed, and toys. Ease your dog's discomfort with familiar items.Β 

Dog breeds that are clingy

clingy shih tzu laying on a pillow

Some dog breeds are just more clingy than other dogs. For example, lapdogs are extremely clingy. That's why they're called lapdogs or sometimes called a velcro dog! They want to be with you and laying on your lap.Β 

10Β Clingy dog breeds

  1. Shih Tzu
  2. Labrador retriever
  3. Border collie
  4. Maltese
  5. German Shepherd
  6. Italian Greyhound
  7. Australian Shepherd
  8. Doberman Pinscher
  9. Italian Greyhound
  10. Vizsla

    Learn more about velcro dogs at: https://wagwalking.com/breed/top-dog-breeds-that-are-extra-clingy

    Separation anxiety

    dog with separation anxiety destroys house

    A dog suffering with separation anxiety will almost always be clingy. There are steps you can take to correct this behavioral problem.

    You can try crate training while you're away,Β increase your dog's mental stimulation, or working with a behavioral expert.Β 

    A female dog may be clingy due to being in heat

    female dog in heat

    Lastly, female dogs can become clingy when they go into heat. Their level of clinginess can become extreme during this period.

    This period is defined as the time leading up to your dog's menstruation period. Female dogs want to be close with their owners for comfort.

    5 Signs your female dog is in heat

    1. Swollen vulva
    2. Bloody discharge
    3. Nervousness
    4. Increased urination
    5. Licking their genital area

      5Β Signs of a clingy dog

      signs of a clingy dog

      We've discussed the reasons behind a clingy dog but what are the signs?

      It's important to keep an eye out for signs of clinginess so you're able to identify if your dog is sick or stressed.

      Follows you around the house

      Your dog following you around constantly is a sign of a clingy dog.

      Separation anxiety and destructive behavior

      When you leave the house, your dog should remain well behaved. But some owners come home to a destroyed house. This is a sign of clinginess that is showing itself as separation anxiety and destructive behavior.

      Aggression towards people and other dogs

      Aggression is a very common sign of clingy dogs. Most people attribute this to lapdogs. They just want to be with their owner and no one else.

      Unfortunately, this can cause big problems for everyone around you. It's difficult to have visitors over to your house. Going to the dog park is almost impossible.

      You can look to a behavioral specialist to diagnose and work to correct your dog's clingy behavior.

      Loss of Appetite

      Your dog may lose interest in their food.


      Clingy dogs may become lethargic. They only want to lay around your feet, under your bed, or on your lap.

      Why is my dog all of a sudden clingy?

      clingy dog

      So, why is your dog so clingy?

      As previously discussed, it's most likely due to a change in environment. If you believe this is the cause you can try to cure the problem by familiarizing your dog with the new environment.

      Show them around the new house, allow them to inspect their new food, introduce them to a new dog slowly. If you monitor their behavior, you can jump in and help ease their situation.

      Conclusion: Why is my dog being clingy all of a sudden?

      Keep an eye out for clinginess, it could be a sign of a more severe health issue. Not all clingy dogs have additional health issues but it's important to be aware of potential problems.

      We hope this article has answered your questions around clinginess and are more than willing to answer individual inquiries.Β 

      If your dog is clingy due to sickness, check out our guide - 5 Ways To Comfort Your Sick Dog.

      Have you noticed your dog's clinginess? What other clingy dog behavior have you seen? Let us know below.

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