How to Make Your Dog Happy in 10 Steps

Happy dog walking through a field of grass

Creating a safe and happy place for both you and your dog is important. But what steps can we take to make our dogs happy? In this article, we'll discuss 10 steps to make your dog happy.

Follow these steps and you'll make your dog's life happier.

1. Build a routine

Dogs run on routine. They like to be fed at certain times. They like to go to sleep at certain times.

You can build trust with your dog by building their routine. And with trust comes happiness. Let's take a look at an example routine you can try with your dog.

  1. Morning walk and potty break
  2. Morning feeding
  3. Activity, play dates, and another potty break
  4. Maybe a nap
  5. Evening feeding
  6. Evening walk and potty break
  7. Bedtime

    two dogs on a walk in tall grass

    This is a very simple routine and might work for some dog owners but not all. Adjust your dog's routine.

    Once you find a routine that works, stick with it.

    When creating a routine, be sure to include at least 2 feedings, 2 walks, and 3-5 potty break.

    2. Respect your dog's safe place

    It may seem weird, but dog's need their own space too. They need time to recharge. Their safe place can include an area outside, their dog bed, or how you handle them. 


    golden retriever eating from food bowl

    Create a safe place for your dog to eat. As every dog owner knows, food makes them happy.

    Take their happiness to the next level by providing a safe place to eat. Place their food and water in the same location. Let your dog know that area is their safe place to eat food.

    Let them eat their food uninterrupted. They'll thank you for it.

    When to pick up your dog

    In addition to safe spaces, it's important to understand your dog's body language. If they feel comfortable and are resting, it's not the best idea to bother them and pick them up.

    Our dogs need to recharge just like us.

    3. Play games

    dog playing games with dog owners

    Play fun games with your dog. A simple game of fetch will put your dog in a great mood and provide some exercise!

    Additionally, switch up the games you play with your dog. Your dog's mind is always curious and needs mental stimulation.

    There are many different, yet simple, games you can play with your dog in addition to a game of fetch.

    Here are 5 games you can play with your dog.

    1. Hide and seek
    2. Food puzzle toys
    3. Homemade obstacle course
    4. Putting your dog's toys away after playing with them
    5. Obedience training sessions

      Expand from a simple game of fetch and give these games a try.

      4. Understand your dog's body language

      Understanding your dog's body language is important in making your dog happy.

      You need to understand when your dog is scared, tired, or confused. Are they hungry or angry?

      Learning your dog's body language is similar to learning another language. It's very important in creating a healthy relationship with your dog.

      The graphic below shows a few different dog body language signs. Are you able to recognize these signs?

      Dog's Body Language

      5. Build confidence

      Put them in environments where they'll feel happy and confident. Give your dog no reason to be afraid of a new place.

      Tip: Before going to the groomer, take them there ahead of time. Let them see the place without actually having any grooming done. This allows your dog to become familiar with the groomers before actually having any additional stress.

      The next time your dog goes to the groomers, they'll feel much more confident in themselves and not as scared. 

      This same tip can be applied to any new environment.

      6. Meet your dog's emotional needs

      Many different dog breeds enjoy performing different tasks. For example, Huskies love to pull things and Border Collies love to herd animals and people!

      two huskies pulling a sled

      Understand what makes your dog happy and meet their needs. Give your dog responsibilities and tasks to complete throughout the day.

      7. Introduce new toys and activities

      A new toy or activity is great at stimulating your dog's brain.

      Depression and anxiety are caused by inactivity and lack of physical exercise. Keep your dog active and introduce new tricks, chew toys, and training sessions.

      Take your dog to a new dog park.

      group of dogs in a dog park

      It also gives you a chance to try new things with your dog. You'll gain an understanding of your dog's interest.

      8. Feed your dog quality food

      Mood and happiness can come from food. Just like humans, most dogs feel more energized when they eat healthy foods that they love.

      Changing your dog's diet is difficult. Typically, diarrhea accompanies every diet change. So, take any changes slowly.

      Healthy dog foods can be expensive. It's important to do your research and create a weekly budget for their dog food.

      9. Train your dog

      man training a dog

      A dog doesn't know what you haven't taught them.

      If you ever find yourself upset at your dog's behavior, ask yourself if you've trained them appropriately.

      Training your dog can be fun! Your dog's behavior will improve and they'll enjoy their lessons. It's a fun activity for them that usually ends in a treat.

      Do your research and try to train your dog on something new at least once a month. And give them both verbal and physical praise.

      10. Plan for your dog's needs

      Similar to children, your dog's needs must be met.

      Dogs love a routine that includes quality food, walks, games, and potty breaks. Giving your dog the attention they need will make them much happier.

      Lastly, plan for your dog's veterinary needs. Your dog's physical health is important. A healthy dog is a happy dog!

      Bottom line

      Making your furry friend happy doesn't have to be difficult. You know what needs to be done. It's now about putting your knowledge into action.

      Create a routine, train your dog, build confidence, and introduce new activities. Your dog will thank you. If you're still having difficult, you may need to see a certified professional dog trainer.

      Do you feel like your dog doesn't like you? Check out our latest article - 10 Signs Your Dog Doesn't Like You.

      Let us know in the comments below how you make your dog happy.

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      By Tory Johnson

      Tory Johnson is a veteran dog trainer, dog behaviorist, and canine nutritionist with 10+ years experience.

      Tory has helped countless families have beautiful relationships with their canine companions.

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